mardi, mars 30, 2004
sian ar... lucky today 2 tests over HURRAY~!!! studied until eyes pop out yesterday.. was studying at e dining table.. den a few minutes later i was shocked.. why? bcos.. the words suddenly become so ENLARGED~!! haha.. know why? cos my face was like almost sticking to the paper. hahahaha... too tired.. den the head tilted facing down in mid-air sleeping.. WHAHAHAHA... how comical can it get.. hahahahahha.. ok tts horrid.. i was so so so tired.. but had to force myself to study bmic.. horrid metabolic pathways.. i dun understand a single shit~!! die man.. what 38 ATP of what aerobic respiration.. diaoxxxx... dun understand.. and tt otcm.. die ar.. so many medical terms to remember.. both memorising subjects.. today is e tests somemore.. sob sob.. not enuff time to sleep.. anw tts over.. so happy.. now maths.. well tt is still manageable.. heex.. pretty all right.. anw.. back to my proj now.. food chem proj.. due next thurs.. otcm proj due this thurs (done).. and i gotta 'A' for bnf proj~!! HURRAY~!! at least tt can pull my results up.. hope so.. pray hard..
oohh.. i m so tired man.. jus save me... i want my beauty sleep~!! *hey beauty sleep.. wait 4 me.. dun abandon me~!!*
shweet dreams;
10:42 PM
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vendredi, mars 26, 2004
saw a grasshopper a huge one, yesterday, in front of the bookshop door. hmm.. it kept climbing up.. and then when the door opens.. it went into the space in between the wooden thingy *dunno whats tt called* and the glass door.. my frens. liyana, ann, kaixin, zhen hui and i were outside.. i was like so "shocked" and felt sad.. so scared tt the grasshopper will die.. i dun even dare look at it when the door gradually closes.. yes.. e grasshopper was stuck in between when the door closed. it struggled.. n finally it managed to get out.. heng.. it dropped onto the floor and slowly, climbing up again.. it's pretty big ard 5-6 cm.. as it climbed to the top of the door.. many ppl walked in and out.. so near to the grasshopper.. but no one noticed it. some even was jus face to face wif the grasshopper.. but din see its presence there.
and i told kaixin.. see.. the grasshopper is right in front of them.. but no one notices it.. this shows how much singaporeans are busy wif their stuffs that they fail to notice small lil things around in their life.. imagine: the grasshopper is a problem. and the problem is pretty "big" and serious. it's jus right in front of u.. but u fail to notice its presence and fail to notice tt the problem is getting serious day by day..
typical singaporean.. always failing to see a problem arising..
anyhow.. when yang meh meh (yimei) and angela walked out of the bookshop.. we told angela abt the grasshopper. and she said.." it's leg is broken off" oh my.... i felt so sad.. i walked closer to take a clearer look.. yes indeed.. one of its legs is already broken off.. felt so sad 4 the grasshoppie.. haizz.. almost felt like crying.. ha.. emotional.. yes i m.. so sad loh.. for nth 1 leg is missing.. haizzzzz....
shweet dreams;
6:52 PM
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lundi, mars 22, 2004
ok long time since i last blog.. well not really.. yupx.. today is qian qian bdae~!! happy bdae qian-ieeeee.... haha.. ok.. yesterday was ting-a-ling bdae.. well.. whose next? oh ya.. sing chun.. wahha.. also got quite a lot lahx.. so many to remember =X haha..
ok went to meet qian on sat.. talked, laughed, complained.. almost every single thing.. jus sat at yoshi at taka and talk cum eat lahx.. yupx.. b4 tt we went to library.. she returned book.. i borrowed book. we walked from orchard all the way to bugis.. hey qian.. we beat record le.. haha.. tt time walk from rp to orchard.. now from orchard to bugis.. next time what? orchard to where? harbourfront? haha.. u wan to walk i den dun wan ar.. can die.. otherwise liddat lahx.. take train from city hall to jurong.. then from jurong to pasir ris.. then from pasir ris to boon lay.. den from boon lay to outram... then from outram to harbourfront.. then from harbourfront to the last stop of the NEL line.. o ya.. left out marina bay.. haha.. tt one nvm.. no one go de..
ok in a pretty pissed off mood.. today.. haiz whatever..
shweet dreams;
9:29 AM
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mardi, mars 16, 2004
i hate liars.. i hate liars.. i detest liars.. i detest liars.. LIARS SUX~!! GO TO HELL~!! why do ppl lie? lie for e sake of lying? white lie? black lie? if it's a white lie.. even it is found out and it wont hurt anyone den it is a white lie..
what am i supposed to do... what am i supposed to say... how am i going to face e facts and truths? my whole life is in a mess.. SO MESSED UP~!!
i really hate ppl who lie.. hope their mouth will rot like shit.. ya i know tts bad.. budden.. WHY LIE? isnt it better to tell e truth than to THAT person finding out themselves?? haiz.. nvm abt tt.. jus remember i hate liars...
i m so so so so so so *i also dunno*.. haiz.. i ... i.... haiyah i dunno lah.. life sux jus for now.. i m a selfish gal.. so dun blame me for being selfish.. finally my kor replied my mail.. so long liao.. busy wif his stuffs nia..
anyway.. liars are not allowed in MY LIFE..!! haizz.... i tell u ar.. if i suddenly flare up for nth or suddenly keep freaking quiet.. it's cos i m in a bad bad mood these days.. and i m pretty bitchy abt stuffs these days.. i may still smile and laugh *a lil bit* but.. it's no longer e same anymore.. i dunno how come i m jus starting to detest some ppl.. anyway cheow... i gtg.. cya ppl.. *muacks* nite..
shweet dreams;
10:52 PM
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samedi, mars 13, 2004
have u ever tot of what our lives would be if we never got to know each other? how'd u feel if one day someone close to heart is gone? how'd u feel if one day ur fren leave u? anyway these are jus some tots..
=== START ===
"Therefore do not worry and be anxious." Matthew 6:31
God hates worry. Jesus preached against it. The Apostle Paul preached against it. The whole Bible speaks against worry because it was not designed by God! God hates worry because God does not want us to live a life of stress, pain and death.
Yet many people act as if we are free to worry if we want to. But we are not! Worrying is a sin. It is one of the things the Bible directly warns us not to do. Why? Because God our Heavenly Father truly loves us and wants to take care of everything for us.
What are we supposed to do, then, with all your concerns? In 1 Peter 5:7, God says you should "should give all your worries to him. All. Not 75% of the,. Not only the ones about relationships but also the ones about your exam results. Give ALL your worries to Him!
Let me illustrate how that works. Let's say you were standing about 10 feet away from me and I tossed my care keys to you. If someone else were to come to me and say, "Hey, I need the keys to your car," I would say," I can't help you. I have them to my friend here. I don't have them anymore."
That's what you need to do with your worries! You need to toss them over to the Lord and not take them back. If a worried thought comes to your mind, saying "What if something terryble happens?" Then you can just turn to God and say, "What are YOU going to do about this. Lord?" Once, you start to do that, problems you have been worrying about for weeks and months will start to be solved. YOU will no longer tying God's hands with your worrying.
Remember, that God will not take your worries away from you. You have to give them to Him and replace those worries with the promises in His Word. You are the only one who has to keep your thoughts under control. But you can do it because the Greater One lives in you and He's able to give you the victory!
Talk the truth: "I am not worried or anxious. I give all my worries to my heavenly Father who loves and cares for me." (1 Peter 5:7)
Pray: Pray over an area of stress and worry and commit it to the Lord. See youself casting it into the sea or tossing it away and never taking it back again!
=== END ===
ok.. after typing all these.. i shall throw all my stress and problems into the sea and to God and never to take them back again... still there'll be some change in me. not so cheery as b4.. more cool and dao.. so dun blame me..
shweet dreams;
10:26 AM
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jeudi, mars 11, 2004
aiyoxx.. seriously i dunno what to type in here manx.. well i've changed e music of my blog.. hmm.. it's the song called "Valentine" *i think so* well tt's what's written in Powerweb music mahx.. den found under "My sassy gal" hmm.. ya.. smth liddat.. this song is so nice so romantic.. good to listen to it at night. budden towards the end of e song.. there's this dunno who e hell is tt toking.. some children's voice.. dunno lahx.. tt spoil e whole of e song manx..
wahhhh since monday my throat still pretty itchy n a lil pain.. stupid e medicine dun seem to work~!! haizzz.. so tired manx.. so so so tired.. talked to yiqian from 12 to 1230.. den sleep at ard 1am.. tired arx.... *snores*.. ZZZzzzZzzzZzzzZzz..
"i'll give u my heart until the end of time" ----> wow.. nice right? sweet and romantic right? it's part of e lyrics of e song playing at my blog now.. sooooo sweet.. My Sassy Girl is one of my fave movie.. hahax.. now there's 3 interesting movies screening in cinema.. "Something Gotta Give", "Haunted Mansion" and "Dirty Dancing 2" haha.. tts what i think r interesting lahx.. wahhaah.. ok anyway time for e-learning.. cyax.. nite nite.. la bon (tts what terry taught me e whole of last night)
shweet dreams;
10:21 PM
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dimanche, mars 07, 2004
You are one of the few out there whose wings are
ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of - the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever
change - the world needs more people like you.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
- hee hee.. i m angelic man.. how nice.. well i think i m.. wahhaha.. e results above are pretty accurate.. LoL~!! cool right? better than tt yiqian.. faery wings.. wahahahahaha... angelic sounds better.. wahahahah...
Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
--- hmm.. jus thinking.. is religion one of e things to consider in a relationship?
shweet dreams;
3:14 PM
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vendredi, mars 05, 2004
o well.. u den so dao lor.. msg u then u also never reply... i really really really really din receive e msg lorx.. still say my phone spoilt.. i dun think so manx.. cos i think singtel lagging.. so many ppl sms at e same time.. of cos there'll be some error somewhere.. i not dao ok? if i receive a msg i sure reply de... say me until like i so damn bad liddat.. =( den u could well tell me what u msged me when u saw me mahx.. but u din.. den out of lt.. u walk so slow.. den never tok liddat.. whatever lorx.. den i walked away liaox.. not i dun wanna reply u.. it's i really din receive ur msg.... haiz..
ok.. anyway.. i m peeling like a snake now manx.. tim also.. wahahahahah his even worse.. on his back. how he go and peek the skin off sia... wahhahaha... unless his hand is long enuff.. whaahahah... ok anyway remember to tune in to channel 5 tonight at 11pm.. it's a locally made movie.. nice one too.. named Dirty Laundry.. hmm.. must watch..
o ya.. i tml got x-walk.. i from official bcome participant.. wahahah... cos hor.. not enuff participant.. i can get goodie bag le.. YAY~!! Fila stuffs somemore.. wahahahha.. plus i no need to pay 5 bux.. wahahahahahha.. good right? Pin pin.. dun protest.. wahahahahha.. i think tml my other frens who joined.. ppl like teddy, loy and alvin.. sure protest.. wahahahah.. after tt got OL interview.. purposely chose e day where yiming can interview me.. liddat he can gimme high high marks.. den can get into OL.. haha.. he said he'll try his best to get me in.. wahhhahaahha.. he also ask me to join.. well.. if he dun ask me to join i also sure join.. cos i've aimed it for so long... wahhahaha.. ok liddat hor.. i have seal points under service, enrichment, achievement (x-walk), and leadership~!!!! WOW~!!! all 4 categories.. shiok sia.. haha..
ok lahx.. i gtg le.. cya guys ard.. ciaox... ;)
shweet dreams;
6:25 PM
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mercredi, mars 03, 2004
well... changed e blog music to one of my fave songs for now.. I Promise by Stacie Orrico.. hmm.. heard tt she's only abt 1.53m tall!! oh my.. but her songs is very nice.. i love it.. esp I Promise... it's real nice and sweet.. jus love this song..
anyway wanna congrats to my dear yiqian here.. finally got attached.. =) haha we used to say we wont get attached in this 3 yrs.. well i m really not.. but u are~!! haha.. anyway these are all very unexpected de lorx.. so jus treasure whatever u have now ya dear? haha.. felt real happy 4 u.. pss.. tell u ar.. i wanna be bridesmaid lehx.. hahaha.. hmm mayb i shld type down how she met him briefly... well.. they met thru irc.. on i think the last day of sept.. wahahah.. ok tts cool.. *if i m not wrong* and when she showed me his pic... i told her tt both of them have couples look.. and told her she might end up wif him.. and what did my dearrrrr yiqian say? she said," CHOY AR.. dun anyhow tok.." and she called me "crow mouth" haha.. well tt was what i think and what i feel might happen... she? choy choy choy all e way.. and now they are together.. well some stuffs real sweet happened to her... well i think it's sweet.. haha.. and they both quarrell frequently too.. hahaha.. but manage to like forgive each other within a day... and tt guy wrote a poem 4 her... how sweet... well i think he did many things for her.. it's so so so nice of him.. haha.. well some things which happened to my dear fren also some sort the happened to me... haha.. but hers is like successful lorx hahax.. =) well i better not write too much or else if either one of them come read this i die ar... haha.. jus wanna tell e both of them is tt... pls treasure each other.. n dun take each other for granted.. zhu ni men bai tou dao lao.. and.. I WANNA BE E BRIDESMAID~!! =x dunno how come hor.. whatever i predict for my frens it all came true.. and whatever i predicted for myself.. only some came true.. not all... wth lorx.. i wanna mine to come true too~!! *sobx*
haha.. hope qian dun take a parang and slash me.. haha... ok lah think i shall end it here now.. cyax.. o ya i finally found my FC paper.. blardy hell.. it was within my stack of notes.. haiyo... rubbish sia... make me go photocopy another set.. IDIOT.. waste money.. aiya anyway it's jus a mere 5cents.. so dun bother lahx.. heex.. and I M PEELING NOW~!! wow i jus feel like peeling everything out.. wahahha... then i littered the tut room floor wif MY SKIN~!! hahahaha.. anyway ok i think i gtg for now.. cya ppl..
shweet dreams;
5:57 PM
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lundi, mars 01, 2004
hihi in sch now manx.. what e toot.. i dun even know where on earth is my FC tut paper.. si liao.. and when on my way to school jus now.. i even asked myra if there's FC tut today.. OH GOSH~!! if dun have ar.. i come so early for what? cos if dun have my lesson starts at 3 today~!!!!! ARRRRRR..... how sia.. aiya nvm lah.. at e most be some goodnu in sch lorx... sit and wait and wait and sit for the next lesson lorx.. which is jus a pathetic lab.. oh my... haiz.. anyway i better go to e class now 2 see if there's lesson.. so ciao~!! o ya MY SHOULDER HURTS LIKE HELL~!!
shweet dreams;
9:39 AM
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