jeudi, mars 11, 2004
aiyoxx.. seriously i dunno what to type in here manx.. well i've changed e music of my blog.. hmm.. it's the song called "Valentine" *i think so* well tt's what's written in Powerweb music mahx.. den found under "My sassy gal" hmm.. ya.. smth liddat.. this song is so nice so romantic.. good to listen to it at night. budden towards the end of e song.. there's this dunno who e hell is tt toking.. some children's voice.. dunno lahx.. tt spoil e whole of e song manx..
wahhhh since monday my throat still pretty itchy n a lil pain.. stupid e medicine dun seem to work~!! haizzz.. so tired manx.. so so so tired.. talked to yiqian from 12 to 1230.. den sleep at ard 1am.. tired arx.... *snores*.. ZZZzzzZzzzZzzzZzz..
"i'll give u my heart until the end of time" ----> wow.. nice right? sweet and romantic right? it's part of e lyrics of e song playing at my blog now.. sooooo sweet.. My Sassy Girl is one of my fave movie.. hahax.. now there's 3 interesting movies screening in cinema.. "Something Gotta Give", "Haunted Mansion" and "Dirty Dancing 2" haha.. tts what i think r interesting lahx.. wahhaah.. ok anyway time for e-learning.. cyax.. nite nite.. la bon (tts what terry taught me e whole of last night)
shweet dreams;
10:21 PM