lundi, mai 02, 2005
and yes.. it's the month of may now. time flies.. it certainly flies too fast. i wonder if the time really pass faster compared to the past or is it that i've lotsa work to do ,and therefore, i feel that time flies too fast..
-ponders-met zhenhui ytd.. lolx and got my prezzie.. and man.. it's a
big one! a soft toy bear from precious thots and a box of sweets from precious moments. i think these stuffs dun come cheap. anyway i jus feel so loved. lolx.. bought a black pants which cost a bomb! 83 bux. like what the hell lor. but i have no choice but to buy.. cos it's so difficult to find pants, skirts of my size. damn. then went to grandparents house alone to take dunno wat cd my sis wants from my uncle. when my relatives reached my grandma hse. all ask me.. "eh junhui, the lecturer from ur sch uh?" -diaox- so obvious lor. so embarrassed to have a lecturer like darwis siah.. zzz... everyone is talking about him.. baby said that he's singapore's michael jackson. lol..
went to crystal jade to take my lunch today~ yummyyyy love that double boiled hashima.. soooo delicious~! eat until very full siahx. tml gotta go for work le. my oh my.. what's my pay gonna be like? hope my colleagues are easy to get along with.. easy to work with. the girl who is going to the same company as i am is someone i dislike liao lor. wah biang. forever whining. can u jus live each day without whining?! worked with her for project.. can really vomit blood. baby knows about it cos i always complain complain wahahha.. hope this girl dun keep coming to me asking me this and that. jus dun stick to me. rather be alone siah. ohhh and baby is going to send me home from work tml~ yay.. can see baby again! but tml cannot stay out late le worx. take dinner le must immediately go home.. wednesday still got work..
bought a top from bum equipment today! daddy paid for it. lol. got sales siah... wahahhah.. saw so many things i like but cant buy.. cos i've got too many clothes at home and my wardrobe is packed. full. everything seems to be falling out from the wardrobe.
oh manz. im waiting for baby to come online.. quick quick.. before i gotta log off.. argh. play badminton siah he.. 1 of the sports he enjoy playing since young. okays go blog hop for a while den check other email acc b4 i say "hi" to my bed.. wahahhah.. love sleeping.. love hugging.. love kissing =X lol.. i miss the hugs and kisses from baby!!!!
shweet dreams;
9:21 PM