vendredi, juin 04, 2004
i've changed e tagboard. tag me more kx? tt shoutbox sux. tried to sign in to check my tagboard.. idiot say no such acc or wrong password. tried typing in my email add.. also wrong.. CRAZY! so pissed, therefore.. i went to look for another tagboard. yepx.. k right now at my mum's workplace. haha.. so many coms for me to use.. more than 10! lolx. heyx ppl pls pls tag me.. haha imagine this tagboard is a tree.. ur tags r its nutrients.. w/o nutrients this "tree" is so dead, no life. haha.. so help it grow well n strong.. give it a life now!! haha.. ok.. like an advert. lolx.
love u ppl~! God bless!! tk care cya n *muackxXxXx*
shweet dreams;
10:18 AM